Could Any of These People Be Time Travelers?

What would it be like to time travel? What does the future have in store to humanity? Obviously, there is no way of knowing the answer to any of these questions unless you are a time traveler. The 10 people in the video be real life time travelers who have either going to the future, past, or both.

Is This Man a Time Traveler From The Year 2250?

This man claims to be a real life time traveler from the year 2250. He contacted the YouTube channel ApexTV and sent them the video below. In the video, he makes the claim that he is a time traveler that was born in the year 2215 and traveled back in time from 2250.

He allegedly traveled back to the present day, here in 2017

In this video he tells about what the future will be like and steps we should take to make the future better.

Man Claims To Be Time Traveler Who Has Been to Future and Past

Is the man in the video below a real time traveler? In this video, he claims that he was originally from the year 2028, but has traveled far into the future, then back into the past, and then to our current time. The man says he is now stuck in 2017. Do you believe what this guy is saying? Is he a real life time traveler? That, in the end, is up for you to decide.

Alien Seen on Roof of White House

Are aliens visiting Earth? We were recently sent this video, so we uploaded it to our YouTube Channel. It claims to depict a real alien on the roof of the White House. In the footage, a strange, green creature is seen standing on top of the White House.

The video was taken by a man who would like to remain anonymous. The man, from China, was visiting Washington D.C. with his family. When visiting the White House, they noticed something very strange. Everybody around started talking about the figure on top of the White House and everybody was pointing. The man took out his phone as fast as possible and recorded the following footage.

Could this video be proof that aliens are in fact visiting Earth? It must be said that the footage is quite shaky, so we at Paranormal Elite leave the authenticity of this video up for you to decide. 

Mermaid Pulled Out of Lake in Minnesota

Imagine if you were at a park and all of a sudden officials came in and told everyone to leave. That is what supposedly happened to a man named Macky. He is originally from Australia, but was reportedly visiting relatives in Minnesota, USA, and they decided to spend the day at a park. While at the park, Macky says that "Big vehicles started coming in" and they told everyone to evacuate the park. It was unknown to everyone why they were being forced to leave.

Macky supposedly stayed behind and hit behind some boats. He saw two men in yellow hazmat suits walking towards the beach, so he got out his phone and began recording video. He captured the men pulling a bizarre creature out of the water. It appeared to be humanoid, however it had a strange, green tail. The footage has since gone viral on our YouTube channel with many people claiming it shows a real life mermaid.

Could this video be proof that mermaids inhabit lakes around the world? One major question does arise. How do mermaids survive in lakes during the winter, because Minnesotan lakes do freeze during the winter months.

Mermaid or hoax? What do you think?

Can mermaids be found in lakes? Many ancient stories and legends tell of half-human hald-fish creatures inhabiting the world's oceans. Could a distant human ancestor have wandered into the water and a new species of human evolved? That is up for you to decide. If this footage is real, it could mean that authorities are covering the existence of mermaids up.