5 Times People With Superpowers Have Been Caught on Video

From teleportations caught on camera to people caught on video running at superhuman speeds, this video takes a look at five times in which people with superpowers have been caught on video. Could any of the clips seen in this video be real?

This video was uploaded by the YouTube channel ApexTV, which specializes in paranormal and mysterious content.

Many people think the video below depicts real instances of superpowers being caught on tape. What do you think?

Alien Spotted in Farmer's Cornfield

Are aliens visiting Earth? This is a question that has left people wondering about the possibility of extraterrestrial life for centuries. It is only recently, however, that the invention of the camera has allowed people to document their sighting s of strange and mysterious events on video. The video below depicts a supposed alien caught on tape in a farmer's cornfield. In the video, the farmer sounds highly disturbed, which is understandable considering there is an alleged real life alien standing mere feet away from him. Do you think this video is genuine and depicts a real alien caught on camera by a farmer?