Is This a Real Alien in a Man's Basement?

A man has claimed to have caught this mysterious creature on tape in his own basement. The man said he was startled when he heard loud noises coming from a closet in his basement, so naturally he got his phone camera and went to investigate the source of these strange noises. This video contains the footage he recorded on his phone. What do you think? Is this a real alien caught on tape in a man's basement?

Is This a REAL Fairy That Was Caught on Tape?

Many have claimed that this mysterious creature that was caught on tape by a CCTV security camera is a real life fairy. It was caught by a CCTV camera owned by a woman named Lucia, who is a singer and a songwriter. Lucia said that she was awakened in the middle of the night by a motorcycle outside her window, and upon checking her security cameras on her laptop, she saw this mysterious figure. What do you think? Is this a real fairy that was caught on tape?

SHOCKING FOOTAGE of Possible Dragon Caught on Tape

This video may show a dragon that was caught on tape by a man in the state of Pennsylvania. Many theories exist about what the creature is, with some saying it shows an ancient flying creature known as the pterodactyl, while others say it shows a mythical dragon caught on tape. Some folks have even said that the footage only shows that of video editing. Regardless of the validity of the video, one thing is for sure, it is shocking! What do you think? Is this a real dragon caught on tape in Pennsylvania?

The man who recorded the mysterious creature said he thought it was just a bird until he zoomed in. In the end, it is up for you to decide if it is real.

Top 5 Mythical Beings That Have Been Caught on Camera

Maybe the ancient tales that we now see as myths were actually based in some fact. What if the creatures of these ancient mythical legends were real? This video takes a look at five times supposed mythical creatures have been caught on camera. These mysterious mythical creatures include mermaids, the Maryland Goatman, an alleged fairy, and more. What do you think? Is there any truth to those ancient myths?

Best Real Angels Caught on Camera

Angels are supposed spiritual beings that act as messengers to their respective god. People of many different religions believe in angels or in mythical beings that share some similarity to the concept of angels. This video looks at instances in which these alleged angels have been caught on camera. Many people maintain that angels exist outside of our dimension and cannot therefor be seen by the human eye, or any human-made camera, while others suggest that rare instances in which angels can be seen by cameras occur.

Alien Being Tested in Area 51

This video takes a look at footage that was received by a Mexican officer in 1987 from a secret military base in the United States, presumably Area 51. It was allegedly filmed in a staging facility where alien beings such as the one seen in the video are tested for light sensitivity, reflexes, and other things you would test a crash landed alien for. Is this a real alien being tested in area 51?

Because of the alien's appearance, many have speculated that the alien is grey alien. Grey aliens are the supposed species of alien responsible for many alien abduction cases. They are known as greys due to their skin color.

Unidentified Creature Washes Up on Beach

This video examines a mysterious creature that is said to have washed up on a beach. Many theories have come out attempting to explain the origin of the picture and what the mysterious ocean creature could be. Some people go as far as to claim that the creature seen here is an undiscovered species of ocean creature, while others maintain that this is nothing more than the work of Photoshop. What do you think?

Cat Vanishes on CCTV Security Cam Footage

Here is a video of a cat that appears to have vanished and was caught  on CCTV security camera footage. A good number of people have came out claiming that the footage of the disappearing cat depicts an instance in which teleportation or time travel was caught on tape, while others maintain that the video shows nothing more than tricky video editing.

Could Satellites Not Be Real?

This video makes the seemingly outrageous claim that satellites are not real. In the video, they argue that because there are no images of silhouettes cast on the moon by satellites, they must be fake. Also, the video claims that there is not a single real photograph of a satellite in orbit. They demonstrate this by looking up images of satellites and not finding a single one. What do you think? Are satellites real?

Drone Footage Claims to Show Mermaids

The video below investigates drone footage that claims to offer evidence for the existence of mermaids. The drone footage itself has emerged on numerous YouTube channels that hail the video as proof of mermaids. This video however, investigates the true origins of the footage and if the humanoid figures seen in it are really mermaids at all.