Dragon Sighting Takes Place in Brooklyn

This video was taken by a drone in Brooklyn. It claims to offer proof that dragons really exist. Is this video footage really evidence of the existence of dragons? This, of course, is up for you to decide. Some really do think that dragons are more than just a myth or legend. Some people claim that they have seen dragons in real life, and others go even farther claiming they have documented the mysterious flying creatures on video.

The 40 Creepiest Creatures Ever Seen

This video that was made by the YouTube channel "ApexTV" claims to depict the top 40 scariest and most mysterious creatures to ever be documented on video. Unlike a conventional top 10 video, this video is over 1 hour long and goes in depth into some of the most mysterious footage ever to be seen on YouTube.

Top 5 Werewolf Sightings of All Time

Werewolves have been the content of myths and legends for centuries. They have filled our modern pop culture in the form of books and movies. It is no doubt that some people think there is some truth to these alleged myths. Maybe the strange half wolf creatures depicted actually do exist. This video takes a look at the top 5 sightings that have ever been documented in the form of videos and pictures.

Shocking New Alien Sighting In Canada

Near a secret military base in the deep woods of Canada, this mysterious humanoid creature was caught on tape by a man who wishes to remain anonymous. Is this a real life alien that was caught on tape in Canada? That is ultimately up for you to decide. Some have said that this footage is proof of aliens visiting Earth. What do you think?

The 5 Most Mysterious UFOs Ever Spotted

Our universe is a mysterious one. It is not currently accepted by general science that aliens have been visited Earth, however these top 5 videos of UFOs claim to show real life alien ships and they present evidence of the visitation of extraterrestrials. What do you think? Have aliens visited Earth? Has the alien invasion already begun?

Mothman Spotted in West Virginia

An anonymous West Virginian cameraman has shared this photo of the alleged mothman online. The mothman is a legendary cryptid creature that is known for living in the Eastern portion of the United States. Is the mothman a real creature and is this sighting real? What do you think?

Top 15 Scary Things Caught on CCTV Cameras

From the Wessex Way monster (which is a mysterious creature that was caught by a CCTV camera focused on Wessex Way in England) to a disappearing airplane in Boston, this video by the YouTube channel ApexTV takes a look at the top 15 scary things caught on CCTV security cameras.

The Scariest Creatures Ever Seen

In this video by the paranormal YouTube channel ApexTV, they look at some of the scariest and most bizarre creatures that have not only ever been seen, but also documented by being caught on tape. Many theories have arisen attempting to explain the videos, however there is no doubting that they are mysterious.

The Most Mysterious Pictures From Mars

Mars is very far away, however it is the closest planet to Earth. Mars' population consists entirely of manned robots, or so we think. This video by the YouTube channel Creepy Countdowns shows five of the most mysterious photos ever taken on the red planet.

The Most Mysterious Bigfoot Sightings Ever Documented

This video, which was posted on the official Paranormal Elite YouTube channel shows some of the most mysterious sightings of supposed Bigfoot that have been caught on tape and documented on video. We have handpicked some of the best Sasquatch footage and compiled it into this video for your enjoyment. Do you believe Bigfoot actually exists? We would love to hear your thoughts!

5 Times That Aliens Were Caught on Video

This video that was posted on the YouTube channel Creepy Countdowns investigates the top 5 times in which aliens were caught on video. It is one thing to claim to have had an alien encounter, but it is an entire other thing to have actually caught your alien encounter on tape or on camera. What do you think? Has the alien invasion already begun?

Top 3 Real Life Sightings of Aliens

Here is a video that was posted by the YouTube channel called Top3s. It shows 3 times in which supposed real life aliens have been caught on tape. Whether or not these clips show real aliens is totally up for you to decide, however there is no denying the scare factor in some of this footage. Do you believe that aliens are visiting Earth? This video attempts to make the case that they not only have visited Earth, but they have also been documented on video.

Mongolian FIsherman Claims He Caught a Real Dragon

A fisherman in the country of Mongolia has made the seemingly outrageous claim that he has caught a real life dragon in a freshwater lake while fishing. This story has gone viral online and many people believe that dragons similar to those seen in Asian and Chinese mythology are actually real life undiscovered creatures. This video made by the YouTube channel ApexTV gives insight into this bizarre story.

Buddhist Monk Mummy May Still Be Alive!

The mummy of a Buddhist monk was recently seen moving on CCTV security cameras. The monk currently resides in a Buddhist temple and was thought to have died 89 years ago. Some people believe that the mummified monk is still alive but just in a meditative state. Watch this video and decide for yourself!

Top 25 Bizarre Creatures Documented on Video

Many people are already aware that the world is a very mysterious place, but you may be surprised to learn that most of the species on our planet remain undiscovered by modern science. For instance, over two-thirds of ocean life remain undiscovered. There are many videos surfacing on the internet claiming to show new creatures that no one has ever seen before. Are these bizarre creatures real? That is ultimately up for you to decide. Keep in mind that there have been many ancient mythical legends depicting creatures similar to those in this video. Maybe there is some truth to such legends.

Hunter Captures Bigfoot on Phone Camera

A hunter sitting in a tree stand has captured this intriguing video that claims to show a real Sasquatch caught on tape. Also known as Bigfoot in the United States, many similar sightings have taken place over the last several thousand years, however it is only in the last hundred that such sightings have been documented on video. Some think the footage such as this one really does show a Bigfoot that was caught on tape, while others aren't so sure. What do you think?

Is This a Real Alien in a Man's Basement?

A man has claimed to have caught this mysterious creature on tape in his own basement. The man said he was startled when he heard loud noises coming from a closet in his basement, so naturally he got his phone camera and went to investigate the source of these strange noises. This video contains the footage he recorded on his phone. What do you think? Is this a real alien caught on tape in a man's basement?

Is This a REAL Fairy That Was Caught on Tape?

Many have claimed that this mysterious creature that was caught on tape by a CCTV security camera is a real life fairy. It was caught by a CCTV camera owned by a woman named Lucia, who is a singer and a songwriter. Lucia said that she was awakened in the middle of the night by a motorcycle outside her window, and upon checking her security cameras on her laptop, she saw this mysterious figure. What do you think? Is this a real fairy that was caught on tape?

SHOCKING FOOTAGE of Possible Dragon Caught on Tape

This video may show a dragon that was caught on tape by a man in the state of Pennsylvania. Many theories exist about what the creature is, with some saying it shows an ancient flying creature known as the pterodactyl, while others say it shows a mythical dragon caught on tape. Some folks have even said that the footage only shows that of video editing. Regardless of the validity of the video, one thing is for sure, it is shocking! What do you think? Is this a real dragon caught on tape in Pennsylvania?

The man who recorded the mysterious creature said he thought it was just a bird until he zoomed in. In the end, it is up for you to decide if it is real.

Top 5 Mythical Beings That Have Been Caught on Camera

Maybe the ancient tales that we now see as myths were actually based in some fact. What if the creatures of these ancient mythical legends were real? This video takes a look at five times supposed mythical creatures have been caught on camera. These mysterious mythical creatures include mermaids, the Maryland Goatman, an alleged fairy, and more. What do you think? Is there any truth to those ancient myths?

Best Real Angels Caught on Camera

Angels are supposed spiritual beings that act as messengers to their respective god. People of many different religions believe in angels or in mythical beings that share some similarity to the concept of angels. This video looks at instances in which these alleged angels have been caught on camera. Many people maintain that angels exist outside of our dimension and cannot therefor be seen by the human eye, or any human-made camera, while others suggest that rare instances in which angels can be seen by cameras occur.

Alien Being Tested in Area 51

This video takes a look at footage that was received by a Mexican officer in 1987 from a secret military base in the United States, presumably Area 51. It was allegedly filmed in a staging facility where alien beings such as the one seen in the video are tested for light sensitivity, reflexes, and other things you would test a crash landed alien for. Is this a real alien being tested in area 51?

Because of the alien's appearance, many have speculated that the alien is grey alien. Grey aliens are the supposed species of alien responsible for many alien abduction cases. They are known as greys due to their skin color.

Unidentified Creature Washes Up on Beach

This video examines a mysterious creature that is said to have washed up on a beach. Many theories have come out attempting to explain the origin of the picture and what the mysterious ocean creature could be. Some people go as far as to claim that the creature seen here is an undiscovered species of ocean creature, while others maintain that this is nothing more than the work of Photoshop. What do you think?

Cat Vanishes on CCTV Security Cam Footage

Here is a video of a cat that appears to have vanished and was caught  on CCTV security camera footage. A good number of people have came out claiming that the footage of the disappearing cat depicts an instance in which teleportation or time travel was caught on tape, while others maintain that the video shows nothing more than tricky video editing.

Could Satellites Not Be Real?

This video makes the seemingly outrageous claim that satellites are not real. In the video, they argue that because there are no images of silhouettes cast on the moon by satellites, they must be fake. Also, the video claims that there is not a single real photograph of a satellite in orbit. They demonstrate this by looking up images of satellites and not finding a single one. What do you think? Are satellites real?

Drone Footage Claims to Show Mermaids

The video below investigates drone footage that claims to offer evidence for the existence of mermaids. The drone footage itself has emerged on numerous YouTube channels that hail the video as proof of mermaids. This video however, investigates the true origins of the footage and if the humanoid figures seen in it are really mermaids at all.


This sighting of the famous Loch Ness Monster took place on a webcam operated over 4,000 miles away in the US. Nessie was supposedly caught on tape by a webcam in Loch Ness in Scotland. Do you think this is a real instance in which the Loch Ness Monster was caught on tape? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Alien Caught on Tape in Mexico (SLENDER MAN?)

Today we investigate images that claim to show a real alien caught on tape in Mexico. The photos, which are part of a viral video, allegedly show a humanoid alien creature that some people have even said is a case in which slender man was caught on tape. Do these photos show a real alien or even slender man caught on tape? What do you think?

5 Time Travelers Caught on Tape

From a time traveling dog to a man walking through a wall, there have been some amazing instances in which time travelers have been caught on tape. Today we look at 5 time travelers caught on tape. Are any of these videos indicative of real life teleportation or time travel? What do you think?

Mermaids Caught on Camera in Real Life !

Today we look at supposed mermaids that have been caught on camera in real life. From a photo of a mermaid found inside a shark to alleged mermaids that washed up on beaches, there have been some mysterious sightings of mermaids. Are these mermaids caught on camera real? Please let us know what you think about these mermaids caught on camera in real life in the comments!


Is this a real mermaid caught on camera in a shark's stomach? The image appears to show a humanoid figure inside a shark. Many have gone as far as to say that the figure inside the shark is a mermaid, while others maintain that it is nothing more than a hoax? What do you think? Is this a real mermaid caught on camera in a shark?


An alien was caught on camera inside a garbage can in the southern United States. The photo, which was sent to us by the woman who took them, shows an alien looking out of a garbage bin. Due to it's appearance, many have claimed that the creature depicts that of a grey alien. Grey aliens are the supposed species of alien responsible for many sightings and abductions. What do you think? Is this a real grey alien caught on tape in a garbage bin?

10 Teleportations Caught on Tape

From footage of people appearing out of nowhere to supposed time travelers caught on tape, there have been some strange instances of teleportations caught on tape. In this video we look at what are in our opinion the top 10 teleportations caught on tape. Is time travel possible? This video shows a supposed time traveler caught on tape on a CCTV camera, along with alleged teleportations that have been caught on tape.

5 Photos That Are PROOF of TIME TRAVEL

From and image of an iPhone in a n ancient painting, to a picture of a modern watch in an ancient grave, here are 5 photos that are proof of time travel. A man finds a wormhole under his sink and supposedly travels through time to meet his future self. A woman is seen in an early 1900s photograph holding what looks like a cell phone. Are these photos proof of time travel? What do you think?

Time Traveler Meets Himself in The Future

A man claims to have time traveled to the year 2042 and have met himself in the future. The man, Håkan Nordkvist claims to be a time traveler. He says that in August  of 2006, he had a flooding sink. Thinking it was a leak, he went to fix it. To his surprise, the underneath of his sink seemed to go on forever. Eventually he came to a white light and was in the future. Having time traveled to the year 2042, he met his future 72 year old self and the two compared tattoos. What do you think? Is this man a real time traveler?

Does Earth Have a Second Moon?

An asteroid known as 2016 HO3 is locked in "a little dance" with Earth according to NASA. This asteroid isn't as close to Earth as our primary moon, however its orbit is being affected by Earth's gravitational pull.

NASA says that the asteroid has an irregular orbit. It drifts between 38 and 100 times the distance of Earth's predominant moon. It is also bouncing or bobbing up and down across our planet's orbital plane.

Even though this asteroid is much smaller than our primary moon, it is still being affected by Earth's gravitational pull, making it a temporary second moon. So for the time being, you can be proud to be part of a planet with two moons!

Teleportation Caught on DRONE Video

This video, taken by a drone in the rural United States, claims to show a teleportation caught on tape. In the video, a man can be seen walking on the street that suddenly vanishes. Theories have arisen as an attempt to explain what happened with some claiming that the footage depicts a real case of teleportation or time travel caught on tape while others maintain that this is nothing more than tricky editing. Whether it be teleportation, time travel, or just editing, the final decision on the validity of this video is up to you.


A man biking down the road suddenly disappears. This is footage taken by a CCTV camera in the rural United States that supposedly shows a teleportation caught on tape. Many theories as to what the video actually depicts exist. Many people claim that this is an instance of teleportation being caught on tape, while others maintain that the video shows nothing more than tricky editing. What do you think? Does this show a man teleporting caught on tape by a CCTV camera?

Plane Disappears Caught on CCTV (Teleportation Caught on Tape)

This CCTV security camera footage claims to show a plane that supposedly spontaneously disappeared. This has raised many theories as to what the video actually depicts. Some say the plane's disappearance is evidence for teleportation or time travel while others suggest that the airplane was abducted by aliens. Whatever this video shows is up for you to decide. Does it show a time traveling airplane or a real teleportation caught on a CCTV camera? What do you think?

The Best Time Travel and Teleportation Videos

This video is a compilation of the best instances of time travel and teleportation caught on tape. From a man walking through a wall caught on a CCTV camera, to supposed real-life teleportations caught on tape, there have been some strange instances in which alleged time travel and teleportations have been caught on tape.

The validity of such videos is up for you to decide. Many people have dismissed such videos as being real, saying that they are just the result of video editing while some conspiracy theorists have said that this may be a mix of real and fake videos depicting time travel and teleportation.

Alien Caught on Tape in Hotel (VIDEO)

The above photograph was supposedly caught on camera in a hotel and is part of a video that claims to show what looks like a grey alien. The validity of the footage has been questioned by many, and probably for good reason.

The "alien" that was caught on camera appears to walk in plain sight in front of the camera. It even appears to look directly at the camera. Why would an extraterrestrial travel across the galaxy to be walking in front of a camera in a hotel. Things just don't seem to add up.

The validity of this photo and video footage is up for you to decide however we at Paranormal Elite have come to the conclusion that it is most likely a hoax. Maybe we're right, or maybe we are wrong and the picture really does show an alien that has been caught on tape inside a hotel room!

Time Travel or Teleportation Caught on Tape

This video of a man supposedly teleporting or time traveling in a park claims to be genuine paranormal footage. The video shows a man in a hoodie who begins to run and disappears into thin air. There have been many theories as to what the video shows. Some claim the video shows real instance in which teleportation has been caught on tape. Many people suggest the video shows a time traveler caught on tape. The video itself was caught by a CCTV security camera in an unknown location. What do you think? Is this a real case of time travel or teleportation caught on tape?

Has The Alien Invasion Begun?

Has the alien invasion already begun? Come with us as we take a look at some of the best aliens caught on tape. We examine the most convincing video evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. From a man who supposedly killed an alien, to alleged aliens caught on CCTV security camera, there are some very mysterious alien sightings that have been caught on tape. What do you think? Are aliens visiting Earth? Are these videos of aliens caught on tape real?

Alien Creature Chases Man (PHOTOGRAPH)

The photograph seen above is one in which an alien was supposedly caught on camera by a man claiming to have been chased by an extraterrestrial. The man who took this picture has claimed that the photo itself is evidence of an alien-like creature chasing a man.

Two glowing eyes are seen in the distance, and it appears as if the creature is looking directly at the person taking the picture. The man claims that after looking at him, the alien being began to run towards him. The man was not suspecting this and ran away from the creature in fear and dropped the camera.

He says that the creature did not in fact attack him, however it did get close. The man also notes that he may have been fully attacked if he had decided not to run.

The following day the man went back to the site in which he was chased by the mysterious creature and found his camera lying on the ground. He picked it up and found that it had been thoroughly scratched my along with the lens being broken. He did manage to take the SD card out of the camera and get the photograph onto his computer.

What do you think? Is this a real alien caught on camera?

Alien Caught Walking on The Moon

This giant humanoid alien figure was spotted by a YouTube user who was analyzing photos taken of the moon. After images of this mysterious object were released to the internet, they soon became viral.

Conspiracy theorists have claimed that the figure seen in the photograph is a giant alien life form. Other theorists say that the object could be a giant statue on the moon indicative of extraterrestrial life.

NASA has officially commented on the finding of the mysterious object saying that it is simply a piece of dust, an eyelash, or a scratch on the original photo's negative.

What do you think? Is this a real giant alien creature caught on camera walking on the moon?

Alien Caught on Camera in Man's Basement

The photograph seen above was supposedly caught on camera in a man's basement. The man who sent us this photo has chosen to stay anonymous however he has told us that the picture was taken in the Western United States.

The story goes as follows. The man was playing with his dog in the upstairs portion of his home when he heard strange sounds coming from his basement. He said the sounds could be equated to someone punching a wall. The man went downstairs to investigate the source of these noises when he saw a strange figure dart across the downstairs hallway.

Thinking a robber was in his house, the man pulled out his camera along with a flashlight and approached the hallway he saw the creature run across. Suddenly the face of an alien being poked through the hallway entrance and the man snapped the photo.

Upon further research he found that the alien seen in the photograph resembled that of what are known as grey aliens, or greys.

Is this a real grey alien caught on camera in a man's basement? What do you think?

Alien Caught on Camera in Sauna

The photo seen above is one that was caught on camera inside a sauna at a hotel. The image was taken by a guest at the hotel who was visiting the hotel's sauna.

The person who took this photograph of the supposed alien creature captured it after hearing strange sounds coming from the sauna at the hotel. The door to the sauna was closed, and upon opening it he took a picture if the alien seen above.

Based off the appearance of the creature seen in the picture, some have claimed that the alien itself is a grey alien. Grey aliens, or greys, are the alleged species of alien responsible for many other sightings. Some people even claim to have been abducted by grey aliens.

The person who took the photo also claims to have revisited the sauna in which this picture was taken to find no trace of the alien.

What do you think? Is this a real alien caught on camera in a sauna?

VERY SCARY! Alien Caught on Camera

The photograph seen above claims to show an alien that was caught on a CCTV security camera. It's safe to say that the picture itself is VERY SCARY!

The CCTV security camera was facing the front door of the house it was inside of. The camera was set to capture a photo when it detected movement and it did just that.

Due to it's large eyes and grayish skin tone, the alien has been informally identified as what is known as a Grey Alien. Greys are the alleged species of alien responsible for many extraterrestrial sightings and supposed abductions.

What do you think? Is this a real grey alien caught on a CCTV camera looking through a door?

iPhone Seen in Ancient Painting - TIME TRAVEL?

The iPhone was spotted by Apple CEO Tim Cook and has led many to speculate that time travel may exist. Cook's remarks about the iOS device in the ancient painting may have been made jokingly, but conspiracy theorists are quick to let this off as being proof of time travel.

Some people wonder if Cook's statement about time travel show that he has advanced knowledge of such time travel.

The official explanation as to what the man on the right side of the painting is holding is that it is a letter. Some have also said that the object the man is holding could be a brush.

What do you think? Does this 350 year old painting offer proof of time travel?